Commercial Tire Technologies — To Make Innovative And Reliable Tires  

Commercial Tire Technologies — To Make Innovative And Reliable Tires

Today more and more commercial tire technologies are coming into force to cater ever increasing demands from commercial people. All they want are low maintenance, high reliability, high performance and less trouble while on the go. Time is of great essence these days, so there is no room for unexpected repairs and downtimes. No doubt, the industrial tire and wheel business is becoming more complicated every day because new companies are involving in this field and you will find a new commercial tire technology every time you purchase new tire for your vehicle.

Latest in the field is commercial tire technology from the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. The company has recently introduced a new revolutionary technology that instantly fixes tire punctures when they occur, so it greatly reduces vehicle downtime and service calls. Actually, the initial response is great and Goodyear claims that with this DuraSeal technology tires may last as long as six time better than normal commercial and industrial tires without this technology. DuraSeal technology features a gel-like, solvent-free compound built into the inner liner of the tire or in simple words it is nothing but "built-in sealant" that allows truck drivers to continue operating after a tire is punctured. Not only this, but this industrial technology allows the tire to remain in service until it is retreaded. According to the company sources, DuraSeal technology initially will be available in Goodyear’s new Unisteel G287 MSA and G288 MSA mixed-service tires, where tire punctures are a daily hazard.

When it comes to innovations and revolutionary technologies tire giant Michelin has its own reputation and brand image. Almost every coming year the company comes with a new technology either for passenger cars, SUVs, light trucks or even commercial vehicles. Michelin’s EnTire solution technology is comparatively new technology. Michelin is developing tire electronics on several fronts. Similarly, other well known names are Dunlop tires, which for more than a century have set new standards in virtually every area of truck tires and Kelly that continues to supply dependable, long-lasting Armorsteel medium industrial truck tires to keep America's truckers on the road to success.

Author Notes:

David Parker contributes and publishes news editorial to  David Parker is a successful author and regular contributor to A top resource for tires, including articles with compari

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